Special Prayer Request
Dear brothers in Christ:

God many times works in us through trial and hardships so that we remember Him, and give Him the Honor He deserves. In my personal life of faith, I praise God for all the "nights", and the valleys of that He was safely carried me through. I specially thank Him because I know that, were not for His grace, I would not be here today.

Our Church in Costa Rica is presently undergoing a very difficult trial, and I would like to request your prayers. A very dear sister in our Church, sister Daisy, was recently diagnosed with Stomach Cancer, and this has caused us all much sadness. We have called to special prayer meetings at church all this week, and would now like to ask that you also join us.

The sister is due to be operated on this Friday (tomorrow). She is a mother to 5 young children, whom she has carefully, and whole-heartedly instructed in the Lord, and also a wife to a dear brother in Christ as well.

This sister has strengthened herself in the Lord, and has giving us a testimony that she is TRUSTING IN HER LORD.

Those who heard her speak before heading out to the hospital gave testimony of seeing a God-peace and faith in her. Her final request was, "Don`t pray for my body, pray for my spirit."

God has used her in tremendous ways in reaching many, many lost souls, and we are praying for God`s grace upon her life as she undergoes the operation.

As I hear it, the doctors are planning on removing at least 75% of her stomach, but they fear the cancer may have also reached the liver. Please pray for her.

In Christ,
Julio Hernandez

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