김귀태 형제에게 : 제28회겨울수양회 (영문)
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------- 아래---------



The 28th Winter Retreat

■ Time : 98.12.28~99.2.6 (6weeks)
■ Place : Good News Mission Retreat Center (at Kim-Chun)
■ Gest Speaker : Pastor Ock-soo Park, Pastor Dong-sung Kim,
and Pastor Hong-ryul Ryu
■ A day`s program (schedule)
│ 1week 98. 12. 28 - 99. 01. 02 │
│ 2week 99. 01. 04 - 09 │
│ 3week 99. 01. 11 - 16 │
│ 4week 99. 01. 18 - 23 SUWON CHURCH participation │
│ 5week 99. 01. 25 - 30 │
│ 6week 99. 02. 01 - 06 │
※ Any weeks possible.

The 28th winter retreat will hold in Mt. Daeduk for six weeks.
Because people can not get their vacation during the same time and
the retreat center can not hold more than 3,000 people at once,
we will hold the 28th winter retreat for six weeks.

The summer and winter retreats are very meaningful events that make a mark in
the growth of faith for each individual in faith as well as for the church.
Why did God commnad the Israelites to present themselves before Him three times
a year in Jerusalem? Here`s why.

During the congregational gathering,
the Israelites listened to the Word of God while they joined the sacrifical
offering ceremony, and through this, they were able to experience the spiritual
grace which no other nation could enjoy. They received strength to carry on with
their life and guidance of their path.

In a self-governed inner Mongolia region, a remote village in China, the sisters
there who have attended the retreat are eagerly waiting for a minister to come
to their area and anticipates for retreats in the future. All of them are so
desperately longing for the Word of God and further conferences. Even in
foreign countries where the nationality, language, and culture are different,
people unawaringly become one in the heart as they listen to the Word at the
retreats. There`s no doubt that regardless of who you are, once you attend
this blessed retreat, you cannot but be led into faith.


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